Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thought Toilet

it really makes me question the reliability of a network news station when they quote popular tabloids like TMZ and the Enquirer as their main source of information on a given topic, actually it makes me question the relevance of a news station that reports on celebrities... really? we don't have more important things to hear about than the Tom-Kat divorce? If you're going to be a tabloid, call yourself a fucking tabloid, not the news. And when did the news go from simply reporting the facts to sharing everyone's opinion on the possible outcomes of a given event? I don't give a crap what you think this means for our nation, regardless of what kind of an expert you claim to be, seriously*.

*Unless you are Stephen Colbert

It's like that South Park episode that rips on the History channel. Click here for the South Park History Channel Thanksgiving Trailer. If you've seen it, then you know what I mean. It's just a satire about how the History channel has bogus shows like Ancient Aliens that really have absolutely nothing to do with history. I feel like news media conglomerates run stories that have absolutely nothing to do with relevant news. And yes, I did feel the need to connect the dots for you because I think a lot of people out there don't understand this concept. If they did, they would quit watching network news, and then those asshole posers who call themselves journalists would actually have to start doing their jobs the right way, which involves investigation, fact checking, and reporting said facts, rather than simply repeating what they heard on TM fucking Z!  GALL! (Spoken in true Napoleon Dynamite fashion.)

But enough of that tirade, I'm getting high blood pressure. This blog is actually out of order because I started it a while ago, then thought I lost it, but then I found it again and decided to finish it. Kinda like Liza Minelli's career! Wow. I just made myself seem way older than I actually am. Which is actually a nice change of pace, considering my usual immaturity.

I just read that last paragraph... haha! "This blog is out of order!" Wow. Kinda paints a picture. This blog is kind of like a toilet for my thoughts. And I got nothin'. Sorry, but that last visual of the thought toilet just did me in.

Stay tuned, Filter-heads!

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