Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... Scottish barmaid weed-whipping in a dress??

Yes, folks, it's true... I have some strange dreams. The one I am going to tell you about occurred after watching The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson from Scotland... hence the Scottish barmaid. Click here for a preview of Craig Ferguson in Scotland... it explains a lot! Anyway, the dream started out with a strange futuristic-looking plane crashing in my parents front lawn. To wrap the rest of it up quickly, I called the cops to come and apprehend the pilot of said future-plane, but they wouldn't respond. The dream cut quickly to a Scottish pub where I found myself dressed in what I must have assumed to be the logical local garb: an outfit one would see a lady wearing at a renaissance fair... Don't ask... This is my subconscious mind, okay?! Anyway some local Scottish assholes wouldn't pay their tab, so I kicked them out and woke up in the back seat of what must have been a Ford Fiesta by the size of it. Turns out I had escaped from rehab*, and it was all just a dream! It ended with me wearing said renaissance outfit weed-whipping my lawn...

*I have never actually been in rehab...

I'm drawing a blank. I think I peaked too early in this blog with that Craig Ferguson link. But seriously, who came up with that phrase? "Drawing a blank." How is that possible? If you draw something, wouldn't it stand to reason that the page would no longer be blank?

You know what's cooler than a vacation? A Stay-cation. Actually, it's not, but because of my insufficient funds at the moment, the last two weeks of my life have been spent at home, doing next to nothing. I did manage to stain my front deck, though... and my clothes, and my hands, and a small portion of the driveway... Oh and I got a sliver... in my foot... evil wood!

On a side note --------------------------------------------------------------> I am going skydiving in August!
So, that should be pretty cool. It will be my first time jumping out of a plane, by choice. Just kidding, folks. So what do you suppose was the first thing I did after deciding to go skydiving? I Youtube'd skydiving gone wrong! NOT A GOOD IDEA! This was probably one of the mildest videos, but this guy (or girl, can't tell) was obviously scared shitless! Alternately, this tandem dive was pretty reassuring.

Fun Fact: The Cuttlefish has three hearts and green blood. The blood is green because they use the protein hemocyanin, which has copper in it, rather than hemoglobin.

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