Tuesday, December 30, 2014

minifix for filterheads!

I need to get the internet so I can blog again cuz texting on my phone sucks. It's limiting and annoying. So here is a mini update. I moved to a city. Well kind of. Much bigger than where I came from anyway. I started a new job. Its like any other job. Some days its awesome. Some days it blows. I just wish I could find a job where I could drink whenever I want. Not that I would drink all the time it would just be nice to have the option. And to know that i won't really be held responsible for much. Anyway. That is all I have patience for right now. Maybe next time I will entertain you a bit. On another note I am finally embracing my love of folk music. So that is neat. Pete Seegar is pretty cool. Rock on hippie children!